Friday, January 9, 2009

FWYC Launches a New Year..

Hello all -

Welcome to 2009. Hopefully this will be a less hectic year than last, but in glorious FWYC tradition, it probably won't.

Piper Eley has taken the time to create a Facebook page for the club. You can join and feel free to post events, comments, pictures and other odds and ends on the site. The URL is here:

Other news for 2009 - the Capdevielle directors and team have encouraged us to start a year round Scot program. We will launch that soon, if the weather blesses us to do so. More details to follow.

There are stirrings of an invigorating GYA meeting, and we will report the goings on at the annual winter meeting back to the membership via this blog and the newsletter.

As for a December round up of activities around the club: We had a beautiful Eggnog party, great sailing weather for Christmas and Boxing Day and a New Years bash to go along with it. Much thanks to the Yacht Club Staff, Manager and Chef. They definitely made the holidays a little easier for the rest of us.

A quick rundown of activities (that can also be found on the comprehensive Google calendar on the front page of the website):

Frosty Nipple Jan 18th

Zevins Jan 25th.

Many thanks to all - see you on the water.

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